Quality Policy


Montes’ mission is to provide customised, technologically advanced industrial air treatment systems, made with craftsmanship, for human well-being, environmental protection and improvement of customers’ production processes.

Montes’ Top Management is aware of working, every day, in a highly competitive and demanding market.

Customers carefully select suppliers who are able to respond competently, reliably, quickly, and cost-effectively to their needs.

In this context, Montes’ Top Management considers the following values to be fundamental to the company’s success:

  • Responsibility: meet commitments made to customers, suppliers, and collaborators to gain and maintain trust in all working relationships
  • Competence: act professionally and competently, with a problem-solving attitude
  • Innovation: be creative, forward-looking and proactive because goals achieved are only the starting point for new goals
  • Fairness: work daily with loyalty, consistency and honesty while respecting People, the Law and Environment
  • Continuous improvement: be aware that change is hard work but it is also an opportunity to improve every action and habit

In order to apply the values listed above in practice, Top Management has established a Management System for Quality, Environment and Occupational Safety in accordance with standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001.

The Policy set out by Top Management, consistent with the Organisation’s overall strategies, establishes the following main objectives:

  • Customer satisfaction: offer products and services that meet customer needs
  • Valuing employees: organise the company’s activities so that each employee can express his or her abilities and potential for personal benefit and for the benefit of the organisation
  • Understanding the needs and expectations of other stakeholders that may affect customer satisfaction
  • Innovation: investing in research and development of new products, processes and markets
  • Environmental protection and prevention of pollution: adopt appropriate practices to minimise the environmental impacts related to activities, both at the production premises and work sites
  • Prevention of accidents and occupational diseases: adopt appropriate practices to minimise risks to the health and safety of workers employed in the activities, both at the production premises and at work sites
  • Meeting compliance obligations of a legislative and voluntary nature concerning products and processes
  • Continuous improvement of the Management System and of the company’s performance: set improvement goals for Quality, Environment and Occupational Safety and evaluate their achievement, providing adequate resources and means

All employees are required to work in compliance with Organisation Manual’s provisions.

General Management

Offering skill, experience and flexibility for three generations.
Our streamlined, flexible organization can plan, execute and control all the stages, from design up to after-sales service.

   ISO 9001 Certified company

 Via XX Settembre 33
37032 Monteforte d'Alpone (VR)


 +39 045 610 02 14